Name That Tune!


Florida 2010

Lucky girl with her own seat on the plane (both ways!)...

Lily & Sophie right before pre-school graduation

Watching tv with Harry

The ducks that 'someone' was insistent on chasing and feeding!

Getting help from Sarah and Emma

Spending time with Great-Grandma Helen

Watching Leonard Bernstein conduct with Uncle Mitchell

And finally.....swimming!

Pretty in Pearls

Her Mama's Daughter (and to be fair, Grandma Laura's granddaughter)

Press play!

Mama & Dada

Trip to Boston - 20 Months

What could be better than being half naked and playing with a hotel phone? Emma and I were taking turns calling Elmo and Barney.....good times!

At the New England Aquarium!

Baby Naming

From when I was 19 months, but here are some highlights!

20 Months Old!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Post-gardening, pre-bath. I got creative and made mud from dirt and water....then I ate it.

Flashlight Fun!

Shake It!

Sorry for the slightly cropped video....not worth explaining but the end result is still adorable!

Hey Ho Hey Ho, Horsey Riding Horsey Riding!

Passover 2010

Making sure Daddy's kippah is on correctly....

Taking a piano break with Uncle Ari when the seder got old!

19 Months Old!

Check me out.....19 months old and sitting on my new Princess Potty! Also perfecting the art of multitasking....

Month 18: The Re-Cap

As I get more active, Mommy has a harder time getting pictures up! She'll get back on any case, here are the highlights from my 18th month! Enjoy....

18 Months Old!

Sleeping Beauty....with all of her subjects!

With my friend Georgia, having tea.

At Emma Berger's 1st birthday party in NJ